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Key global trends in 2024 – planning your business strategy

Written by Fluenta | May 24, 2024 7:09:57 AM

2024 presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for businesses. The world transitions from a period of intense upheaval marked by the global pandemic and strives to find a new economic balance amidst ongoing geopolitical tensions.

Economic indicators suggest a move towards stability, with inflation rates normalizing and interest rates anticipated to decrease, setting the stage for strategic business planning and growth. Let's take a look at the insights shared in the GEP Outlook Report for 2024.

Economic Recovery and Challenges Ahead

Although we can expect some relief in the global economy as a whole in 2024, the improvement in trends could be both sluggish and uneven. There are several reasons for this hurdle:

one is that emerging markets and developing economies are still trailing behind pre-pandemic levels which may delay the positive breakthrough;

another example is the significant slowdown in China due to ongoing real estate issues and reduced demand, which is likely to affect the country's trading partners globally;

additionally, global inflation is forecasted to decrease from the previous year's highs but is unlikely to meet central banks' targets immediately – this could create further uncertainty for investors and other market actors.

These are the macroeconomic factors that necessitate a strategic reevaluation of business operations and priorities this year.


Supply Chain and Technological Integration

Supply chains are stabilizing after recent disruptions, prompting businesses to not only reinforce their resilience but also to weave Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals into their core operations.

This shift towards sustainability is paralleled by the significant integration of digital and AI technologies, moving from exploratory phases to full implementation. These technologies are poised to transform operational efficiencies and decision-making processes, allowing companies to address logistic and resource challenges more effectively.


Navigating Monetary Policies and Market Dynamics

With central banks likely to start reducing interest rates in response to slowed economic growth, businesses might see easing borrowing costs.

However, the energy sector is highly likely to remain volatile. Crude oil prices are expected to remain high, influenced by geopolitical tensions and OPEC+ decisions, while natural gas prices may stabilize due to changes in consumption patterns and increased production.


Workforce Transformation

Amid these economic and technological shifts, talent management is also transforming. The demand for skills aligned with digital advancements and sustainability is growing. Despite potential slowdowns in economic growth and tight labor markets, there is a pressing need for a workforce adept at navigating the complexities of modern procurement and supply chain environments.


As 2024 unfolds, it is clear that businesses must adapt to a more technologically integrated and sustainably focused operational framework.

The insights from the GEP Outlook report underline the necessity for businesses to strategically align with these evolving trends to navigate the complexities of the global economic landscape successfully. This approach will not only address immediate economic and operational challenges but also set the foundation for sustainable growth in an increasingly interconnected world.